Ignore White Lines in Selection Filter (AutoCAD .net API)
We want a selection filter which simply ignores certain types of colors. Here is the ‘simple’ result I came up with:
Jigging with SHIFT, CTRL and Mouse Wheel Functionality (AutoCAD .net API)
Any AutoCAD programmer knows that things which an algorithm may take a million years and infinite computational power to do can sometimes be easily done by a human being instantly. In the same way it is sometimes much easier to give a human being the ability to choose: then you can get an optimum result […]
WPF User Interface for Precast Panel Comparison
This utilises WPF to compare panels, isolate changes and make better decisions. See below for a demonstration: WPF – Eliminating Errors using Cross Checking from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Introducing AcCoreConsole
AcCoreConsole is AutoDesk’s brand new toy. It is basically a command line version of AutoCAD. It has no “User Interface”. That means that if you are a user, there are no menus to click on. No buttons. Nothing. You have to do everything via text. Via command line, like it was in the very beginning. […]